.. _api_reference: API Reference ============= Oraide provides a set of conveniences around tmux's ``send-keys`` command. For more information about how tmux actually works, please see tmux's `man page`_. .. _man page: http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=tmux ``oraide`` ---------- .. |auto-advancing| replace:: If auto-advancing is disabled, then a confirmation prompt appears before keystrokes are sent to the session. .. module:: oraide .. autofunction:: send_keys .. autoclass:: Session :members: :member-order: bysource Exceptions ^^^^^^^^^^ If tmux's ``send-keys`` command ends with an error status code, an exception is raised. .. autoexception:: oraide.TmuxError .. autoexception:: oraide.ConnectionFailedError :show-inheritance: .. autoexception:: oraide.SessionNotFoundError(returncode, cmd, output=None, session=None) :show-inheritance: :members: ``oraide.keys`` --------------- .. automodule:: oraide.keys :members: :undoc-members: